Thursday, December 3, 2015


          Last Sunday (6 September 2015) the Indonesian/Muslim community in Canberra was visited by one of prominent da‘is (Islamic callers) in Indonesia, called Hajjah Irene Handono. She was on her tour in some cities in Australia, such as Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne. Like many people who have found Islam and propagate it, such as Yusuf Estes and Gary Miller, Irene Handono is also active in propagating it as well as founding a foundation to assist new Muslim ladies. How she found Islam and some of her activities are as follows:
          Irene Handono was born on 20th of July 1954 in Surabaya, Eastern Java, Indonesia, and was raised in a pious Catholic family. She was baptized when she was still a baby, and attended school like other children, but she also attended private religious courses. As a teenager she was active in the Church organization. It was her wish to serve God with her whole life, and as a Catholic it was living in monastery which was the noblest life. Becoming a religious sister was the only purpose of her life.
Irene Handono’s early life was a prosperous one. Her family’s house was very big, and she was of Chinese ethnicity, the youngest and the only female of five children of the family. Her father was a well-known business man in Surabaya, and one of the maincontributors to the Church. She was endowed with many talents, as her academic achievements were always satisfactory, and she was appointed the youngest chairperson in one of Church organizations. 
After finishing her high school education Irene Handono’s wish to become a religious sister became stronger and stronger, especially after noticing interaction among youth. Her parents became astonished, as they would be separated from their only daughter, but as pious parents they eventually consented. On the contrary, her elder brothers were proud of having a pious sister.
           In the monastery there were only two sisters who were given double duty, including Irene Handono, namely, attending the education in the monastery and the Institute of Theological Philosophy. She attended the Faculty of Comparative Religion, Department of “Islamology”. It was here that for the first time she learned about Islam. At the introduction lecture, the lecturer said that the best religion was Christianity, whereas other religions were not good. Islam, he said, was bad, by giving examples, such as: “Who are poor in Indonesia? Who are uneducated, dirty, vile, living at the flooded plain of the river? Who are those who used to lose foot-wears every Friday, who cannot be united, who become terrorists? They are Muslims, so their religion Islam is bad.”
          Irene Handono said that this conclusion had to be verified. She said that other countries like Philippines, and Mexico, where the majority of their peoples are Christians were not better. Even the   state of Israel was created by plundering the land of the Palestinians. Therefore, Islam was not a symbol of evilness, and she was interested in learning further about Islam from its sources, the Qur’ān and the Ḥadīth, and she was allowed to do so by her priest with one condition, namely, finding the weakness of Islam.
          When she opened the Qur’ān she did not know anything about it as it was written in Arabic. So, she took its translation, and started reading it, not from its beginning which was at the right side, but from the end which was at the left side of the book. The first thing she read was sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ (chapter 112) which read:
Say: He is God, the One and Only. God, the Eternal,
Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten. And
there is none like unto Him (A.Y. Ali’s translation)
After reading this she said to herself: “This is good, and is acceptable.” The next day in the morning the lecturer in his lecture on theology said that God was one, but had three personalities, namely God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Three gods in one, one god in three and this is called Trinity or Triunity. At night she read sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ again, stating ”God is One.” She said to herself, “This is the right one.”
           The next day she said to her priest that she did not understand yet the true nature of God.”  The pastor went to the blackboard and drew an equilateral triangle where AB=BC=CA. He explained that it was one triangle but had three sides which meant that God is one but has three personalities: God the Father has the same authority with God the Son, and has the same authority with the Holy Ghost. She argued that if it were so, one day with the advance of science and technology God with three personalities would not be able to handle this world, that there should be another personality so that He would have four personalities. The pastor said that it would be impossible, but she said it could be. She drew a circle and a quadrangle inside it. But the pastor said that it was not allowed because it was a dogma made by Church leaders. She asked what to do if she did not understand that dogma, and the pastor answered that she should just accept it, whereas doubting it would be a sin.
          One day Irene Handono asked her pastor who made the pulpit, the chair and the table. As her pastor asked her to answer it herself she said they were made by the carpenter.  They would remain made of wood; they would never become a carpenter. A human being will remain a human being till the Doomsday and would not be able to make himself God, and God cannot be treated like a human being. Her argument with her Pastor was that God created the universe including human beings as His slaves (servants). If any human being appointed another human being as God, this appointment would be invalid. She learned from the Church history that Jesus was called God for the first time, and was appointed God by the Roman emperor Constantine in 325 at the Council of Nicaea. Jesus never said, “I am your God” in the bible of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.
          In the next meeting Irene Handono said that she did not find any weakness in the Qur’ān, and she was sure that nobody could. She kept reading the translation of the Qur’ān until she made a conclusion that the right religion was only one, Islam. She learned the true Mary in the Qur’ān, sūrat Maryam (chapter Mary), whereas in the Catholic doctrine her position was extraordinarily high, that almost every prayer was said through her intercession. Strangely enough, there was no bible of Mary. However, she converted to Islam six years later.
          Irene Handono left the monastery and continued her study at Atmajaya University, and married a Catholic man, hoping that after marriage she would not be engaged in matter of religion. But this did not happen. She had long discussions with her husband who was an activist student. The discussions turned into debate and quarrels, as she always defended Islam. The gap between her and her husband became wider and wider, until it reached its climax. She realized that her marriage is on the rock. She found a Muslim scholar who would teach her about Islam, as she had learned about it through ready only. His name was (the late) K.H. Misbah, former Chairman of the Council of ‘Ulamā’ (Muslim scholars) of Eastern Java. When she told him her intention to embrace Islam, he told her that to become Muslim was easy but she had to be ready to bear the consequence. When she said that she was ready with it, he asked:
“Do you know the consequence?”
          “Yes, I know, my marriage,” she said.
          “Which one do you prefer, your marriage or Islam?” he asked.
          “Islam,” she answered firmly.
She declared her shahadah in front of him. It was in the year 1983 in the Al-Falah mosque in Surabaya when she was 26 years old. Her 5 years of marriage endowed with two sons and one daughter ended with divorce. However, all her children became Muslims.
One day before Ramadan that year she started praying. One of her elder brothers was looking for her. When he opened the door of her room he was surprised to find a woman praying. He closed the door thinking that another woman was praying. The next day the same thing happened and he learned that it was his sister, who was praying. He was stunned, shocked, unable to speak his face became red and pale. Since then her family relationship became damaged. Her religion was not acceptable, and she had to leave the house. She rent a modest house in Surabaya. As the only daughter in the family, her mother visited her occasionally. She did not accept Islam, as she had already had negative thinking about Islam. Six years later her mother passed away, and since then there were no contact any longer with the  members of the rest of her family.
          In 1992 Irene Handono performed the pilgrimage to Makkah.   She expressed her feeling since she became Muslim, and “complaint” to Allah. “O Allah, as You have preordained me to become Muslim, why didn’t You make me a daughter of Muslim parents, like most of my brothers and sisters in faith? In this way I would not have to endure much suffering. Why should my life journey become so intricate and complicated like this?” In the Masjid al-Ḥarām (Inviolable Mosque) Irene Handono thanked Allah for His guidance and asked Him forgiveness. She felt and enjoyed the bliss of faith and Islam, which, according to her, might not have been enjoyed by people who had become Muslims since seven generations.
          Allah gave her the power and ability to deliver speeches and to call people to Islam, not only in Surabaya, but she was also invited several times to deliver her speeches about Islam in Jakarta. Allah endowed her blessings including meeting and marrying Masruchin Yusufi, a Muslim scholar, a widower with five children. They both were active in propagating Islam even in remote villages in Indonesia. She said that the challenge was so big, but she had conviction that her life and her death were only for the sake of Allah.  
          Irene Handono wrote many books, among which are as follows:
-          Perayaan Natal 25 Desember: Antara Dogma & Toleransi (Christmas celebrations on 25th December: between Dogma and Tolerance) in which she explained, among others, why casuarina   tree is used as a Christmas tree, while there is no such tree in Palestine, and why the Christmas falls on the 25th of December. 
-         Islam Dihujat (Islam is Blasphemed) to respond Robert Morey’s book Islamic Invasion which has become a guide book by the Church the world over, and which she thought was worse than Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, because it said, among others, that the Prophet suffered from epilepsy and sexual abnormality.
Speaking about Christianization Strategy in Indonesia she said that the Christians build 1000 schools free of charge, so that Muslims who are unable to bear the expense of their children’s education have to send them in these Christian schools where they will learn about Christianity and could eventually become Christians. Dr. Suradi, a Christian physician who treated his patients free of charge, said not to hesitate in doing Christianization among Muslims, as there were 10 % only among them who understand the Qur’ān.
           Other methods of Christianization are: publishing the Bible in Arabic to be read like chanting the verses of the Qur’ān as those who are not familiar with the Qur’ān would be deceived; the calligraphy of the Bible Matthew made similar to that of the Qur’ān. For this purpose cheating is permitted as the Bible said: “Someone might argue, ‘If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?’” (Romans 3:7). Among Christianization projects in Indonesia are: Jericho and Andalas for Christianizing Java and Sumatra respectively, and Joseph 2004 to have a Christian president, at least a Muslim by name only.  
          In October 2004 Hajjah Irena Handono established the “Irena Center”, Lembaga Pembinaan Muallaf dan Pembentengan Aqidah (The Institution for Guiding Converts and Defending the Faith) and is in the process of establishing an Islamic Boarding School for Female Converts at Sentul near Bogor, West Java. For those who like to donate they can deposit it at the Indonesian National Bank, BNI, Cab. Bendungan Hilir, Jakarta, Acc. No. 92 2929 929. There are over three hundred female converts in her institution. For consultation she can be contacted at Ph. 021-88855562.  
(CIVIC, 11 September, 2015)
The Holy Bible, New International Version irene-handono-paulus-perombak-ajaran-esus/#sthash.sxMRRjjk.dpbs

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